Dyslexia is not simply a phonological processing difficulty – the condition can affect a child’s memory, their ability to organise herself, and even their ability to follow directions. Ultimately, statistics show that as a dyslexic child progresses through school and into adulthood, it can affect their mental health. But there is no standard measurement for dyslexia. Different countries’ official associations, as well as their national governments, have not agreed on a reliable way of measuring how many dyslexics there are, and without
such a measurement, the prevalence of dyslexia appears to change from one country (or even federal state within a country) to another.
The Dyslexia Compass can change all this. Designed to create an inter-body understanding of the pervasiveness of dyslexia across cultures, the Compass can make a game-changing contribution to provision for early years education and the children it serves, creating a real difference to the lives of millions of children across the continent.