Project 3R

 The Purpose of the 3R project is to improve the social adaptability and resilience of offenders and ex-offenders, to promote their reintegration to society, and as a result to reduce recidivism. The project plans to show the importance of the application of Emotional Intelligence tools and strategies for inmates who will be released within 6 […]


 This project aims to develop, test and set in place a working methodology for starting or improving the career guidance process in the criminal correctional justice (CCJ), focusing on the competencies needed to manage own career. This will be done with direct end user involvement (prison staff), employers (prison administrations), work place (prison), further training […]

Intercultural Mediation

Intercultural mediation is an internationally recognised   tool for overcoming the barriers to key services such as health, social protection, education, justice and law enforcement and in finding employment, that are very often experienced by people from minority ethnic backgrounds. The practice involves a trained Intercultural mediator facilitating cross-cultural communication and mutual understanding between a service […]

Dyslexia Compass

 Dyslexia is not simply a phonological processing difficulty – the condition can affect a child’s memory, their ability to organise herself, and even their ability to follow directions. Ultimately, statistics show that as a dyslexic child progresses through school and into adulthood, it can affect their mental health. But there is no standard measurement for […]

SEN Toolkit

The SEN Toolkit aims at improving provision of inclusive practices and identification strategies for teachers in mainstream classrooms in Europe that include learners with category B special educational needs. The aims of the project are to create a digital learning course, which is an online, self-paced course based on The SEN Blueprint, a series of […]

All In

The ALL IN Project is an innovative Erasmus+ Project focusing on the effective linguistic and cultural integration of refugees and immigrants into Europe. Currently, there is still a significant gap between the aspirations of policy professions and the reality of integration. ALL IN aims to build bridges to overcome this gap by   offering innovative solutions […]

L2 Lifestyle

 The L2 Lifestyle project exists to increase language learners’ motivation across Europe. Language learners want to find some meaningful connection between the words and phrases they learn and their deep desires and motivations for learning a language. Incidentally, so do we – we’re all learners of other languages or have experience of teaching languages and […]

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